Best Natural Antibiotics

Why use chemicals when we were given natural defence by Mother Earth?

What are the best natural antibiotics we can buy without prescription and side effects? By the way, it is a well-known fact that every next time we are taking them we need a stronger version of pills because bacteria are very smart and adapt to antibiotics.

1.Oregano Oil.

This is one of the top herbal antibiotic choices. It is very potent as it takes 1000 pounds of oregano to make just 1 pound of oil of oregano. Georgetown University Medical Center tested oil of oregano in vitro on staphylococcus bacteria. They found that even small amounts were as effective as the standard antibiotic. Also, the journal of medicine reported a study where the oil of oregano showed significant antibacterial properties against 5 species of harmful bacteria, especially e-coli. Oil of oregano has two active compounds- carvacrol and thymol. Carvacrol treats or reduces bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, and tumors many sources recommended taking oil of oregano for only 2-4 weeks at a time.
Oil of oregano is also antiviral and antifungal.

2. Olive Leaf

Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree and is a very popular herbal antibiotic alternative. Research says: While some studies show it not to be a broad-spectrum antibiotic alternative, it does show activity against harmful stomach bacteria, as well as the often antibiotic-resistant MRSA. Olive leaf is also antiviral and antifungal.

3. Garlic cloves

Very rich in antioxidants. One of the well-known active components of garlic is allicin, which can be found in freshly crushed garlic. However, other parts clearly work in synergy to produce garlic’s beneficial effects, since even-aged garlic shows promising health benefits. Many studies confirm its antimicrobial properties. One study showed that garlic enhanced the action of the antibiotic gentamicin, and even negated its negative effects on the kidneys. Another study showed garlic to shorten the common cold, and the University of Maryland advises that it may strengthen the immune system. Garlic is also antifungal and antiviral.

4. Goldenseal

This is a very astringent herb and is often used for infections of the mucus membranes. It is also used for inflammation. Goldenseal is also antifungal, anti-diarrheal, and is effective against protozoa. The University of NC confirms its activity against MRSA. In another study, the Egypt Agricultural Center infected fish with bacteria. One set received antibiotics, and one set received goldenseal. The fish that were treated with antibiotics had an 84% recovery rate, whereas the ones treated with goldenseal had an 87% recovery rate.

5. Vitamin C

When the body has high levels of vitamin C, immunity is increased. When sickness and stress are present, levels of vitamin C are depleted. Therefore, common sense tells me that attention to vitamin c levels is of utmost importance, especially when one is under some sort of stress. A group of researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC found that vitamin C killed a resistant culture in vitro, and they found that it could not develop a resistance to vitamin C.

6. Echinacea.

Antibacterial, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts. Excellent for a sore throat.

7. Garlic

Antibacterial, antiparasitic, upper respiratory tract infections, and sinus issues. Sore throat, cough, headache.

8. Manuka honey.

Antibacterial, excellent for wounds and MRSA.

9. Bee propolis.

Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral; respiratory infections.

10. Colloidal silver

Antibiotic, upper respiratory ailments, toothaches. Colloidal silver has been reported to kill well over 600 different germ strains while most over-the-counter antibiotics are only effective against a few. Can also be used for ear and sinus infections. Great for toothaches.

11. Oregon Grape.

Antibacterial; intestine and urinary tract.

12. Tea tree oil.

Antibiotics; effective against yeast and fungi, bacterial infections.

13. Grapefruit seed extract.

Broad spectrum antibiotic, fungicide, antiviral and antiparasitic;

14. Forsythia suspensa.

Broad-spectrum antibiotic

15. Coenzyme Q10.

Antibiotic; upper respiratory.  bronchitis.

16. Bromelain.

Antibiotic, upper respiratory, bronchitis.