Throughout the centuries there always were people curious about natural ways to be healthy. Hundreds of books, thousands of articles, and researches had been done and published on that subject and yet lots of people are still unaware of the main rules of staying healthy in a natural way. Some people went through a painful experience, even close to death before they realized that they have to help themselves, and there should be ways to do so. All the resources are available today for everybody, you just need faith. Faith in Nature.
After years of searching and reading the literature, watching programs, talking to people about their experiences, having my own experience of applying some rules of natural health, I can say that it is possible to rely on yourself in this important matter, the matter of your own health.
Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Oriental medicine- those are some of the types of so-called “alternative” or “non-traditional” medicine, and they all have some common proofed with the years of practicing Rules of Health. The main approach to natural health is in balancing our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Hippocrates (born 460 BC), Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), Paul Bregg (1895-1976), Herbert M. Shelton (1895-1985), Benedict Lust (1872-1945), Dr Linus Pauling (1901-1994), Dr Joseph Pizzorno (1947) are among numerous famous pioneers and founders of natural medicine, promoting “healing power of nature”, and believing that body needs to be treated as a “whole” system.
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Plato
I would like to introduce here Nishi System of Health. I believe this is a revolutionary system anyone can adopt and apply. Katsudzo Nishi (1884-1959) was a Japanese engineer who suffered great illnesses since he was a child. The doctors weren’t able to help him, and let him home with no hope to live long. But he didn’t give up and after going through some researches he managed to heal himself and lived a healthy and happy life.
Years later, a Russian journalist, Maya Gogulan (1939) went through a similar childhood experience, being close to death, had been diagnosed with cancer twice, came across with Nishi System of Healing. She successfully applied the System, and since had been sharing her knowledge with the world.
The main Rules of Health.