Homemade healthy bread with seeds

Gluten-Free Healthy Bread

A great healthy, hassle, and gluten-free recipe of bread.

What you need:

  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 90 g Sesame Seeds
  • 90 g Sunflower Seeds
  • 90 g Nuts of your choice
  • 90 g Flax-seeds
  • 90 g Pumpkin Seeds
  • 100 ml Water
  • 1/2 tsp Sea or Pink Salt
  • A pinch of Baking Powder (or Soda Bicarbonate)

Whisk yolks with salt, then add water and baking powder.

Grind all the seeds into flour.

Mix well all the ingredients.

Bake in a hot oven at t 180 C for about 40 min. Use a prick to check the readiness.

Bon Appetit!